

Ben Ochitwa has lived and worked in Abbotsford for 20 years, and now raises his 3 children here. Ben has 14 years of experience in the real estate industry, and is passionate about what the Fraser Valley has to offer in its culture, community and natural beauty.

Ben’s career in real estate started in 2003, when he worked in construction as a builder and renovator, giving him unique and in-depth insight into what makes a good home. In 2013, Ben migrated his passion for homes from construction to real estate. With his thorough knowledge of construction, with its trades, municipal specifications, and building regulations, the transition was seamless.

More than anything, Ben loves working with people. Whether you are buying or selling, he is an advocate for you – ensuring the process goes smoothly and that your needs are met. Ben has helped countless families find their dream property and is able to provide the expertise to ensure they are getting a home that will sustain them for years to come.

When he isn’t working, Ben is usually enjoying the beautiful landscapes of the Fraser Valley – camping, hiking, and spending time with his wife and children.