Empty Nesters

Empty Nesters

Your children are off at university, getting married, having children… and suddenly, you have an empty nest. Beyond the emotional dynamics that come with such a big change, there are significant financial and practical changes. Suddenly your 5 bedroom house starts feeling a little empty, and a beach vacation is beginning to sound a lot more fun than massive mortgage payments.

Perhaps it’s time to downsize.

The decision to downsize comes with a number of questions:

  • Do you still need to have enough room for house-guests? Will your children be visiting frequently?
  • Where would you like to live?
  • Would you just like a smaller house, or are you looking to move into a condo?
  • Would you like to have cash to supplement your income after downsizing, or are you just looking for an enhanced lifestyle?

I will gladly sit down and discuss this with you, and help you decide the best options for your family. Downsizing can be a difficult decision, but I am committed to helping you every step of the way.